Our Current Collection
Aroid plants are available for sale throughout the year.
AGL-BFR Brain Freeze Aglaonema Plant (aglaonema favonian)
AGL-CAM The Camouflage Plant (tricolor aglaonema pictum)
AGL-PHO Pink Horizon Aglaonema Plant (aglaonema siam aurora)
ALO-AMP Amazonica Poly Elephant Ear (alocasia)
ALO-BAS Baginda Silver Dragon Elephant Ear (alocasia)
ALO-CAL Persian Palm Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia calidora)
ALO-CAV Variegated Persian Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia calidora)
ALO-CUC Banana Split Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia cucullata)
ALO-DRS Dragon Scale Elephant Ear (alocasia)
ALO-GRE Green Shield Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia sp)
ALO-HIL Hilo Beauty Elephant Ear (alocasia)
ALO-MAC Giant Tropic Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia macrorrhiza)
ALO-MVA Max Variegata Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia macrorrhiza)
ALO-NGU New Guinea Gold Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia sp)
ALO-ODO Maui Wowie Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia odora)
ALO-OFS Okinawa Silver Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia odora)
ALO-OMS Maui Splash Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia odora)
ALO-PLU Purple Passion Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia plumbae)
ALO-POR Cold Hardy Giant Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia portidora)
ALO-RES Regal Shields Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia sp)
ALO-SIN Sinuata Elephant Elephant Ear (alocasia)
ALO-WEN Purple Umbrella Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia wentii)
ALO-WES Silver Splash Elephant Ear Plant (alocasia wentii)
ALO-ZEB Zebrina Elephant Ear (alocasia)
ALO-ZER Zebrina Reticulata Elephant Ear (alocasia)
AMY-MAB Amydrium Medium Albo Variegata Plant
AMY-MEJ Amydrium Medium Jade Plant
AMY-MES Amydrium Medium Silver Plant
AMY-MEW Amydrium Medium Wrinkled Form Plant
AMY-ZIP Amydrium Zippelianum Plant
ANT-BAR Anthurium Barklee
ANT-BAR Anthurium Barklee
ANT-BIS Anthurium Big Splash
ANT-CLA Anthurium Clarinervium
ANT-CLD Anthurium Clarinervium Dark Form
ANT-COR Anthurium Coriaceum Paddle Leaf
ANT-CRD Anthurium Crystallinum x Dorayaki
ANT-CRY Anthurium Crystallinum
ANT-CUV Anthurium Cubense Variegata
ANT-DEB Anthurium Debilis
ANT-FOR Anthurium Forgetii
ANT-HOV Anthurium Hookerii Variegated Tri-Color
ANT-INP Anthurium Insigne Panguiensii
ANT-MAN Anthurium Magnifican Norte
ANT-MAV Anthurium Magnificum Verde
ANT-PCL Anthurium Podophyllum x Clarinervium
ANT-PLF Anthurium Plowmanii Grandis Fruffles
ANT-RBD Anthurium Red Birdnest
ANT-REG Anthurium Regale
ANT-REH Anthurium Giant Red Heart
ANT-SES Anthurium Selby’s Silver
ANT-SPL Anthurium Splendidum
ANT-TAR Anthurium Tarapotens
ANT-VEI Anthurium Veitchii
ANT-VEZ Anthurium Verapazense
ANT-WAD Anthurium Warocqueanum Dark
ANT-WAH Anthurium Watermaliense x Hybrid
ANT-WAT Anthurium Watermaliense
ANT-WDB Anthurium Water Dragon Birdnest
CER-MIR Cercestis Mirabilis Plant
DIE-REF Dieffenbachia Reflector Plant (dieffenbachia hybrid)
EIN-SKK Epipremnum Skeleton Key Plant
EPI-AAV Epipremnum Amplissimum Aurea Variegata
EPI-AMP Epipremnum Amplissimum Plant
EPI-PCV Epipremnum Pinnatum Cebu Blue Plant
EPI-PIN Epipremnum Pinnatum Plant
EPI-PIV Epipremnum Pinnatum Albo Variegata Plant
EPP-GLG Global Green Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-GQU Gold Queen Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-JAD Jade Marbled Pothos Plant (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-JES Jessenia Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-MAN Manjula Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-MQU Marble Queen Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-NEO Neon Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-NJO N Joy Pothos (epipremnum aureum)
EPP-PAJ Pearls and Jade (epipremnum aureum)
HOL-BCO Borneo Corong Elephant Ear (homalomena corong)
HOL-RGF Gold Flek Elephant Ear (homalomena rubescens)
HOL-RJA Jade Red Stem Elephant Ear (homalomena rubescens)
HOL-RSP South Pacific Elephant Ear (homalomena rubescens)
MON-AAL Monstera Adansonii Albovariegata Plant
MON-AAU Monstera Adansonii Aurea Variegated Plant
MON-ABL Monstera Adansonii Blanchetii Plant
MON-ACA Monstera Acacoyaguensis Fairchild Plant
MON-ADW Monstera Adansonii Fairchild Double Window Plant
MON-ANM Monstera Adansonii Mint Variegated Plant
MON-DAV Monstera Deliciosa Albo Variegata
MON-DBA Monstera Borsigiana Aurea Variegated
MON-DCV Monstera Deliciosa Variegata Large Form
MON-DSS Monstera Dissecta Fairchild Plant
MON-EPI Monstera Epipremnoides Plant
MON-FRI Monstera Friedrichsthalii Swiss Cheese Vine
MON-GSK Monstera Adansonii Laniata Giant Skeleton Leaf
MON-GSK Monstera Giant Skeleton Leaf Plant
MON-KAR Monstera Karstenianum Plant
MON-KAV Monstera Karstenianum Variegated Plant
MON-LEA Monstera Lechleriana Albovariegata Plant
MON-LEC Monstera Lechleriana Plant
MON-LEH Monstera Lechleriana Schott Plant
MON-OBA Monstera Obliqua Amazonas (amazonas form)
MON-OBB Monstera Obliqua Bolivia
MON-OBP Monstera obliqua (Peru form)
MON-PNN Monstera Pinnatipartita Plant
MON-SIL Monstera Siltepecana Silver Plant
MON-SPR Monstera Spruceana Plant
MON-STA Monstera Standleyana Plant
MON-SUB Monstera Subpinnata Plant
PHI-ACU Philodendron Acutifolium Plant
PHI-ALT Philodendron Alternans Plant
PHI-ANR Philodendron Anderson Red Plant
PHI-ASP Philodendron Asperatum Plant
PHI-ATA Philodendron Atabapoense Plant
PHI-BAR Philodendron Barrosoanum Plant
PHI-BCV Philodendron Black Cardinal Variegata
PHI-BEA Philodendron 69686 Bunny Ears Plant
PHI-BER Philodendron Bernardopazi Plant
PHI-BGB Philodendron Bipennifolium Glaucous Blue Form
PHI-BIC Philodendron Billietiae Croat Plant
PHI-BIV Philodendron Billietiae Variegated
PHI-BLM Philodendron Bloody Mary Plant
PHI-BOB Philodendron Bob See Plant
PHI-BRA Philodendron Brazil Plant
PHI-BRO Philodendron Florida Bronze Plant
PHI-BSA Philodendron Bipennifolium Aurea Plant
PHI-BSP Philodendron Bipennifolium Splash Gordon Plant
PHI-BUM Philodendron Burle Marx Plant
PHI-BUV Philodendron Burle Marx Albo Variegata Plant
PHI-CAP Philodendron Camposportoanum Plant
PHI-CGO Philodendron Calkins Gold Plant
PHI-COR Philodendron Cordatum Plant
PHI-CRS Philodendron Corsinianum Giant Plant
PHI-DAL Philodendron Dark Lord Plant
PHI-DAV Philodendron Davidsonii Plant
PHI-DEM Philodendron Deflexum / Megalophyllum
PHI-DIS Philodendron Distantilobum Plant
PHI-DOM Philodendron Domesticum Aurea
PHI-DOM Philodendron Domesticum Lost Variegation Plant
PHI-DOV Philodendron Domesticum Variegatum Plant
PHI-DVU Philodendron Deja Vu
PHI-ERE Philodendron Erubescens Red Plant
PHI-ERN Philodendron Ernestii
PHI-ESM Philodendron Esmeraldense Plant
PHI-EVA Philodendron Evansii
PHI-EXL Philodendron Ecuadorian Canoe Leaf Plant
PHI-FBR Philodendron Fibrosum Plant
PHI-FIB Philodendron Fibraecataphyllum Peru Plant
PHI-FLG Philodendron Florida Ghost Plant
PHI-FLO Philodendron Narrow Fiddle Narrow False Longilobatum
PHI-FLR Philodendron Florida Beauty Red Stem Plant
PHI-FLV Philodendron Florida Variegated Plant
PHI-GCR Philodendron Golden Crocodile Plant
PHI-GDR Philodendron Green Dragon (sport)
PHI-GIT Philodendron Giganteum Plant
PHI-GIV Philodendron Giganteum Variegata Plant
PHI-GLD Philodendron Golden Dragon Plant
PHI-GOE Philodendron Goeldii
PHI-GRA Philodendron Grazielae
PHI-GVE Philodendron Gigas Velvet
PHI-HAS Philodendron Hastatum Silvery Blue Plant
PHI-HOL Philodendron Holtonianum Trilobe Plant
PHI-HVS Philodendron Variegated Sawtooth/Ring of Fire
PHI-IMV Philodendron Imbe Ilsemanii Variegata Plant
PHI-JOP Philodendron Joepii Plant
PHI-JOP Philodendron Joepii Plant
PHI-JUE Philodendron Jungle Selloum x Goeldii Plant
PHI-JUF Philodendron Jungle Fever Plant
PHI-LAS Philodendron Lancigerum (p. saggitifolium narrow form)
PHI-LEH Philodendron Lehmannii Plant
PHI-LIG Philodendron Lanai Giant Plant
PHI-LON Philodendron Longilobatum
PHI-LUP Philodendron Lupinum Corrugated Leaf Plant
PHI-LUX Philodendron Luxurians Plant
PHI-MAM Philodendron Mamei Plant
PHI-MAS Philodendron Mamei Soderoi Plant
PHI-MAT Philodendron Martianum Plant
PHI-MAX Philodendron Maximum Plant
PHI-MCD Philodendron McDowell Plant
PHI-MEL Philodendron Melanochrysum Plant
PHI-MEX Philodendron Mexicanum Plant
PHI-MSB Philodendron Berkin
PHI-MWW Philodendron Mottled Whipple Way Plant
PHI-OXA Philodendron Oxapapense
PHI-PAL Philodendron Painted Lady Plant
PHI-PAN Philodendron Panduriforme
PHI-PAV Philodendron Paraiso Verde Plant
PHI-PEL Philodendron Peltatum Plant
PHI-PEV Philodendron Pedatum Variegata Plant
PHI-PIE Philodendron Pierrelianum Plant
PHI-PLO Philodendron Plowmanii Plant
PHI-PLP Philodendron Pluto Plant
PHI-PPR Philodendron Pink Princess Plant
PHI-QCO Philodendron Quad Color Plant
PHI-REC Philodendron Recurvifolium
PHI-RHE Philodendron Red Heart Plant
PHI-RMO Philodendron Red Moon Plant
PHI-ROF Philodendron Ring of Fire/Caramel Marble Plant
PHI-ROR Philodendron Rohdeii Plant
PHI-RUI Philodendron Ruizii Plant
PHI-SAG Philodendron Sagittifolium Plant
PHI-SEG Philodendron Selloum x Goeldii Big Tahitian
PHI-SER Philodendron Serpens Plant
PHI-SOD Philodendron Sodiroi Ornatum Giant Silver Plant
PHI-SOW Philodendron Rugosum Sow’s Ear Plant
PHI-SOW Philodendron Rugosum Sow’s Ear Plant
PHI-SPB Philodendron Speciosum X Bipinnatifidum
PHI-SQU Philodendron Squamiferum Red Bristle Plant
PHI-SSH Philodendron Silver Shield Plant
PHI-STE Philodendron Stenolobum
PHI-STR Philodendron Strawberry No Shake Plant
PHI-STS Philodendron Strawberry Shake Plant
PHI-SUH Philodendron Subhastatum
PHI-SUV Philodendron Subhastatum Variegata
PHI-TCB Philodendron Tri-Color Sport of Brazil Plant
PHI-TEN Philodendron Tenue/Sharoniae Plant
PHI-THS Philodendron Thai Sunrise Plant
PHI-TOR Philodendron Tortum Plant
PHI-TRI Philodendron Tripartitum Plant
PHI-TRQ Philodendron Tuxtlanum Red Queen Plant
PHI-VEE Philodendron Verrucosum Eq. Plant
PHI-VEF Philodendron Verrucosum 5 Plant
PHI-VEM Philodendron Verrucosum x Melanochrysum Plant
PHI-VER Philodendron Verrucosum Plant
PHI-WAF Philodendron Warscewiczii Aurea Flavum Plant
PHI-WAR Philodendron Warscewiczii Plant
PHI-WHN Philodendron White Knight Plant
PHI-WHP Philodendron White Princess/Wizzard Plant
PHI-WPO Philodendron Wide Paddle Orthophyllum Plant
PHI-WRH Philodendron Weeks Red Hue Plant
PHI-XGO Philodendron Xanadu Gold Plant
PIP-ALV Piper Aurea Lost Variegation (piper sp)
PIP-AUR Root Beer Plant (piper auritum)
PIP-AVA Aurea Variegated Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-BAT Batman Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-BET Piquant Betel Leaf Piper Plant(piper betel)
PIP-BMA Batman Mini Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-DKN Dark Knight Piper Plant (piper sumatra)
PIP-GSF Green Silver Flek Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-MBE Methysticum Bright Eyes Piper Plant (piper methysticum)
PIP-MNE Lost Eyes Piper Plant (piper methysticum)
PIP-NIG Real Black Pepper Plant (piper nigrum)
PIP-NIV Variegated Black Pepper Plant (piper nigrum)
PIP-ORN Ornatum Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-PAP Black Papua Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-PGL Pink Glitter Piper Plant (piper india)
PIP-POR Pink Vein Piper Plant (piper porphyrophyllum)
PIP-SAL Vietnamese Piper Plant (lolot) (piper sarmentosum lolot)
PIP-SFL Silver Flek Piper Plant (piper fairchild)
PIP-SIS Silver Shield Piper Plant (piper sp)
PIP-SYL Himalayan Pink Piper Plant (piper sylvaticum)
PIP-SYN Sylvaticum Narrow Piper Plant (piper sylvaticum)
PIP-SYP Pale Himalayan Pink Piper Plant (piper sylvaticum)
PIP-TSH Black Tortus Shell Piper Plant (piper sp)
RHA-DEC Rhaphidophora Decursiva Plant
RHA-FOR Rhaphidophora Foraminifera Plant
SCH-CAE Scindapsus Cat Eyes / Neon Stripe
SCH-TDF Scindapsus Treubii Dark Form
SCH-TML Scindapsus Treubii Moonlight
SYN-AUB Bunny Ears Arrowhead Plant (syngonium auritum)
SYN-AUR Aurea Variegata Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-BAT Batik Variegata Arrowhead Plant (syngonium sp)
SYN-CHI Chiapense Arrowhead Plant (syngonium)
SYN-CON Confetti Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-JAG Jade Ghost / Three Kings Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-LAN Lance Leaf Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-LCR Llano-Carti Road Arrowhead Plant (syngonium erythrophyllum)
SYN-MAC Macrophyllum Arrowhead Plant (syngonium)
SYN-MBR Maria Bronze Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-MOT Mottled Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-MPI Mini Pixie Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-PAN Imbe Variegata (Panda) Arrowhead Plant (syngonium sp)
SYN-PFL Pink Flecked Variegata Arrowhead Plant (syngonium sp)
SYN-PPE Pink Petite Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-PPI Party Pink Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-PSP Pink Splash Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-ROR Roxana Round Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-SCR Strawberry Cream Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-SLS Slim Shady Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-STA Starlite Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-WHB White Butterfly Arrowhead Plant (syngonium podophyllum)
SYN-WKN White Knight Albo Variegata Arrowhead Plant (syngonium sp)
XAN-ATV Blue Giant Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma atroverins)
XAN-LIN Alien Mutant Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma lineatum)
XAN-MAG Magnificum Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma magnificum)
XAN-MAR Mighty Mouse Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma albo marginata)
XAN-SAG Tahitian Giant Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma sagittifolium)
XAN-SAV Sagittifolium Variegata Elephant Ear Plant (x. sagittifolium var)
XAN-TRO Key West Lime Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma tropic)
XAN-VIO Violet Giant Elephant Ear Plant (xanthosoma violaceum)