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Showing 1–24 of 59 resultsSorted by average rating
Variegated Maya Spinach Tree (cnidoscolus chayamansa)
SOL Dracaena Tree (dracaena costa rica) $2 ea.
Colorful Clown Fig Tree (ficus aspera parcelli)
RARE! Golden Guadua Bamboo (guadua aureocaulis)
RARE Bi-Color Golden Penda Tree (xanthostemon chrysanthus actual plant)
Variegated Rusty Bottom Fig (ficus rubiginosa variegata)
XL Indonesia Red Leaf Palm Tree (clustering areca vestiaria)
XL Variegated French Peanut Tree (pachira aquatica)
XL Yellow Trunk Kapok Tree (ceiba pentandra)
HUGE RARE Variegated Kapok Tree (ceiba pentandra variegata)
HUGE RARE Fig Leaf Ficus Alba Variegata (ficus lyata variegata)
HUGE (3 top limbs) RARE Fig Leaf Ficus Alba Variegata (ficus lyata variegata)
Variegated Eucalyptus Leaf Ficus (ficus longifolia allii)
RARE Large Leaf Albo Variegata Jungle Ficus Tree (ficus fistulosa)