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Showing all 13 resultsSorted by average rating
SOL Dracaena Tree (dracaena costa rica) $2 ea.
Piquant Betel Leaf (piper betel)
Lg. Jungle Mist Dracaena Tree (dracaena sunrise)
Dieffenbachia Reflector Plant (dieffenbachia hybrid)
Pink Horizon Aglaonema Plant (aglaonema siam aurora)
Brain Freeze Aglaonema Plant (aglaonema favonian)
Canary Island Dragon Tree (dracaena draco)
Lg Spicimen Calathea Musaica
Beauty Star Calathea (companion plant)
Lg. Calathea Lancifolia (companion plant)
Electric Crayon Calathea House Plant (calathea dottie)
Calathea Roseopicta Hot Pink (companion plant)
Real Black Pepper Plant (piper nigrum)